Chinese villages

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It took humans nearly 10,000 years to move from villages to cities. If we consider those 10,000 years as one hour, we find that humans only started entering cities in the last four and a half minutes. In China, the general situation was delayed, as people started entering cities only in the last minute and a half. Interestingly, after staying in cities for only a minute and a half, we quickly began to feel nostalgic for our past, nostalgic for our villages that we had just left, and that are still stuck in our minds, those poetic Chinese villages that are like paintings in their beauty and charm, and that are in line with what we always love and desire. Over the course of two and a half years, and a journey spanning tens of thousands of kilometers, the team of famous documentary director Xia Yanping conducted interviews in more than 100 villages representing China, and they even repeated the interviews and filming in many villages three or four times. After the release of the documentaries "West Lake" and "Song Dynasty", his documentary program "Chinese Villages" will soon be released, with the publication of the textual content of the program, which is the subject of this book.